About the study: We have developed a new school-based training programme, consisting of 8 weekly workshops, to improve young people’s well-being and peer relationships.

The goal of the ReSET project is to develop an intervention that targets mental health issues early on. Through our 8-week training program, students will have the chance to learn and practice new skills to help manage well-being, in small groups of 8-10 students.

The sessions are focused around 3 goals:

  1. Recognising emotions
  2. Recognising bodily sensations associated with emotions
  3. Developing positive relationships with peers

During the group workshops, students will learn and practice a range of interaction strategies, with the guidance of mental health experts.

Who can join?

We are currently inviting young people aged 12-14 across schools in London to take part.

What are the benefits of joining our study for your child?

Participating in the ReSET workshops may have positive effects on overall well-being, and better emotion regulation skills for students.

Feedback from previous groups:

Taking part - what do I need to know?

I noticed a great change in their attititude towards a lot of things and they have started to be more open towards a beneficial conversation

Parent Feedback

Parent Feedback

I would recommend to friends because it's good! All of the strategies you learn and the role play; you get to try and put them into use

Student Feedback

Student Feedback